
In the “Supply” section, you can access and use the following key features:

  1. Create, browse and edit ad placements, switch them on/off
  2. Assign, browse and edit assigned demand, switch it on/off
  3. Access ad placement codes
  4. Track ad placement performance within the past 24 hours.

Let’s dive in into each in more details.

Create a New Ad Placement

To create a new ad placement:

1. Add a new publisher, – by creating a new User (User Type: Publisher) in the “User Management” section of your dashboard, or select an existing publisher from the list on the left.
2. Click a blue “+” button.
3. Configure ad placement settings (see Ad Placement Configuration Reference).
4. Finish adding a placement by clicking “Create.”

Ad Placement Configuration Reference

The AdPlayer.Pro ad placement configuration reference enlists options for configuring ad placement settings, including the ad format, player size & layout, playback behavior, and more.

Basic Settings

Parameter Description Value
Name The assigned ad placement name. string
ID Added automatically.

A unique ID attributed to an ad placement upon its creation.

Format Configures the video ad format:

  1.    Outstream:
      – InPage
      – InView
      – InBanner
      – Rewarded
  2.    InStream

Select one of the options from the drop-down menu.

Fixed player size Сonfigures the player width and height:

  1. Width – in pixels or as a parent element percentage
  2. Height – in pixels

*If aspect ratio is configured – ONLY responsive player size applied (i.e. width MUST be configured as percentage, height – NOT applied).

number(number%) / number
Responsive player Сonfigures the responsive player size and aspect ratio (see below):

  1. Width – [optional] as percentage
  2. Height – NOT applied
number% / –
Max. Width ONLY applied for responsive player.

Configures the maximum player width, in pixels.

Aspect Ratio ONLY applied for responsive player.

Configures proportions between the player width and height, if the width is configured as percentage.

Add manually, in the following format: x:y, where:

  1. x refers to the player width,
  2. y refers to the player height.
Sticky Sticky – applied for InPage and InBanner ad formats.

Implies the player sticks to the viewable area of the page on article/page scroll.

Position Required for InView, Sticky

Configures the player position – on top or bottom of the page:

  1. Top right (TR)
  2. Top left (TL)
  3. Top center (TC)
  4. Bottom right (BR)
  5. Bottom left (BL)
  6. Bottom center (BC)

Select one of the options from the drop-down menu.

Fixed Sticky position ONLY applied for Sticky
If switched on, the parameter ensures the Sticky player doesn’t change its size or position regardless of the website CSS specifics.
Sticky width ONLY applied for Sticky
Specifies the Sticky player width in pixels.
Sticky height ONLY applied for Sticky
Specifies the Sticky player height in pixels.
Sticky horizontal margin ONLY applied for Sticky
Specifies the horizontal interval between the Sticky player and the edge of the screen in pixels.
Sticky vertical margin ONLY applied for Sticky
Specifies the vertical interval between the Sticky player and the edge of the screen in pixels.
Start as Sticky ONLY applied for Sticky
If on, the player launches in the Sticky mode, then transforms into InPage/InBanner, accordingly, when gets in readers’ view.
Use Sticky only ad display ONLY applied for Sticky
If on, the player is in the Sticky mode only during ad content display, then switches off (on display of video content).
Autostart Configures whether the player attempts to begin playback automatically on pageload or not. true/false
Muted Configures whether the player is muted during playback start or not. true/false
Sound by hover Configures the sound switch-on on hover.

NB! Doesn’t work on mobile web.

IF autoplay is ON: doesn’t work in Chrome v. 65 or higher, Safari.

Tap to unmute Configures the “Tap to Unmute” button display. true/false
Skip button with delay Сonfigures whether the “Skip” button is added during ad playback or not, and its delay in seconds.

NB! The countdown starts on player display and pauses on pausing ad content.

≥ 0
Close button with delay Configures whether the “Close ad” (“X”) button is added during ad playback or not.

Delay: ONLY for outstream ad formats, except InBanner ads.

Configures delay (in seconds) before the “Close ad” (“X”) button display.

NB! The countdown starts on player display and doesn’t pause on pausing ad content.

≥ 0
Ad Break Schedule: Optional.
Format Configures the video ad format for the scheduled ad break/s:

  1. Pre-Roll
  2. Mid-Roll
  3. Post-Roll

Tip! Check one or more boxes to schedule one or multiple ad breaks, accordingly.


If true:
Pre-roll + Mid-Roll/
Pre-roll + Post-Roll/
Mid-Roll + Post-Roll/
Pre-Roll + Mid-Roll + Post-Roll

Replay Optional.

Configures ad replay for each ad break separately, including Pre-Roll, Mid-Roll and Post-Roll.

Note! If the Ad Break/s Replay is configured, the Replay settings for the ad break/s will override the Replay settings on the Ad Placement level. If the Ad Break/s Replay is NOT configured, the Ad Placement Replay settings will apply.

Seconds into video ONLY applicable for Mid-Roll ad breaks.

Configures timing in the video (in seconds), where the ad break is scheduled to occur.

% of video ONLY applicable for Mid-Roll ad breaks.

Configures timing in the video (in % of the video), where the ad break is scheduled to occur.


Advanced Settings

Parameter Description Value

Video content

Video file Configures the video content (a hosted video file or a direct URL to the file), selected for playing upon ad completion​, i.e.

  1. on-demand webcasting (MP4 video file), or
  2. live streaming (MPEG-DASH or HLS).

URL Examples:

  1. MP4 file:
  2. HLS video:
  3. MPEG-DASH video:
RSS Feed:

сonfigures the display of a video slideshow, compiled from an RSS Feed, upon ad completion (see setup parameters below).

RSS Feed URL Configures the RSS Feed URL. string
Parse page Optional.

Check the box to switch on webpage parsing for images, if there are no images in the RSS Feed.

Note! The “Parse page” option will only work in case the custom parser script is configured in the “Parser” field (see below), and may increase server load.

Parser Optional.

Configures the script for parsing webpage content.
Add the custom script manually, or leave blank to apply the default parser (see below).

The default parser script is as follows:

        title: function () {
          return $item.find('title').text();
        link: function () {
          return $item.find('link').text();
        img: function () {
          return $("<b>" + $item.find('description').text() + '</b>').find('img').attr('src');

The parser script supports the following variables:

  1. parser – object
  2. $ – jquery
  3. $item – jquery object. Refers to the item from RSS Feed
  4. page (undefined by default) – HTML string. Refers to the webpage where the item is located
  5. $page (undefined by default) – jquery object. Refers to the webpage where the item is located

EXAMPLE of a custom parser script, used for parsing images on the webpage
(actual script may differ):

parser.img = function () { return $("<b>" + $item.find("description").text() + "</b>").find("img").attr("src") 
|| ($page && $page.find(".article-image img").attr("src"))}
Feed post duration Configures the RSS feed post duration in seconds.

Add the number manually, or leave blank to apply the default feed post duration of 6 seconds.

Content Capping Configures the maximum number of feed posts enabled for display in-between ad requests.

Add the number manually, or leave blank to apply the default value of 5 feed posts.

Playlist Configures the video playlist, selected for playing upon ad completion​. Aside from adding the playlist name, for each item in the playlist, you can configure the following parameters:

  1. “Title” – string. Configures the video file title.
  2. “File link” – URL. Configures the direct download link to the video file.
  3. “Duration” – number. Configures the video file duration in seconds.
  4. “Description” – string. Configures the video file description (the est. limit of characters is ~2 lines max., but this value may differ depending on the platform/screen size).
  5. “Cover image link” – URL. Configures the direct link to a thumbnail image.
Force video content Optional.

ONLY applicable for outstream ad formats.
Configures the switch-on of video content playback – regardless of the ad response.

Close button on video content Optional.

ONLY applicable for InPage, InView ad formats.Сonfigures the “close” button (“X”) display on a video file that plays upon ad completion.

Passback ONLY applicable for outstream ad formats.

Configures the default tag (banner, image tag, etc.), applied in case of the following:
1) IF no video content URL added, when no video ad tag was processed (due to ad error, or else).
2) IF no video ad tags were added/switched on.

string (HTML)
Insert after Optional. ONLY for InPage, InView and InBanner formats.

Configures ad placement insertion after a defined webpage element without modifying the page source code.


query selector
CSS Margins Optional.

Applied for InPage, InView and InBanner ad formats. NOT applicable for the Sticky player mode.

Configures the margin area for the ad placement on all four sides – i.e. top, right, bottom and left.

Tip! Follow the instructions in your account dashboard or read more on how to apply advanced CSS margin settings here.

Lifecycle loop Configures the player loop: i.e. the number of player lifecycles in a loop (in addition to the 1st player lifecycle).

Enter the number or leave blank to keep the player loop OFF.

Enter “true” to switch on the infinite player loop.

> 0
Show & Play ONLY for InPage and InBanner formats.

InPage – both Show & Play parameters are required.

InBanner – only the Play parameter is required.

Configures the player part in-view (in %), required to show the player and launch the video ad content.

Progress bar color Optional.

Сonfigures ad progress bar color.

Click the “Color” square to select the color from a color scheme, or enter the color code (RGB) manually.

color code
Ad View Controls Applicable ONLY for Google IMA Demand Tags

Configures adding playback controls to the advertising content, including a Play/Pause button, a volume slider and a full-screen mode option.



Force CPM Configures the use of the Ad Placement CPM, regardless of the Demand Tag CPM settings.Note! If the box is checked, yet no CPM value is set for the Ad Placement, the default value of “0” will apply. true/false
CPM: Configures the estimated CPM* value for an Ad Placement.

*Used for calculating the estimated revenue, displayed in Supply statistics reports.

Note! If configured, the Assigned Demand CPM settings will override Ad Placement CPM settings.

Global Configures the default global CPM value** for an Ad Placement for all countries (in US Dollars), other than those, for which the country-specific CPM value is configured.

Note! Adding the “Global CPM” value is preferable.
If the field is blank, the zero (0) value will be applied.

By Country Optional.

Configures the CPM value for an Ad Placement for a specific country**.

Tip! Add manually or leave blank to apply the global CPM value instead.

**Split by Platform Optional.

Enables configuring the CPM value (Global and/or by Country) – separately, for Desktop and Mobile, if needed.

Click “≺” and add the two values manually.

Default value: OFF

Note! If ON, both the Desktop and Mobile CPM values is preferable.
If the field is blank, the zero (0) value will be applied.


If true:

Targeting & Limits

Overall impression limit Configures the total maximum number of ad impressions, enabled for the Ad Placement. number
Impressions capping Configures the maximum number of ad placement display for all (non-unique) users within 24 hours. number
Impressions frequency capping Not applicable for CTV VAST codes.

Configures the maximum number of ad placement display within a defined timeframe for 1 unique user.

Enter the values in the following format: number of shows/number of hours.

No-fill opportunities frequency capping Not applicable for CTV VAST codes.

Limits the maximum number of sequential no-fill opportunities for the ad placement – within a particular timeframe.

Enter the values in the following format: number of sequential no-fill opportunities/number of hours.

Domains Optional.

If defined, configures video ad display ONLY on defined domain.

Tip! Enter BOTH * & to include both the main domain and all its sub-domains.

Platform Optional.

Configures video ad display on the selected platform:

  1. all (both web & mobile)
  2. web
  3. mobile

Select one of the options from the drop-down menu.

OS Optional.

Сonfigures video ad display ONLY on the selected operating system/s (OS):

  1. Windows
  2. Linux
  3. macOS
  4. Android
  5. iOS

Select one or multiple options from the drop-down menu.

Windows + Linux/
Windows + macOS/
Windows + Android/
Windows + iOS/
Windows + Linux + macOS/
Windows + Linux + Android/
Windows + Linux + iOS/
Windows + macOS + Android/
Windows + macOS + iOS/
Windows + Android + iOS/
Windows + Linux + macOS + Android/
Windows + Linux + macOS + iOS/
Windows + Linux + Android + iOS/
Windows + macOS + Android + iOS/
Windows + Linux + macOS + Android + iOS/
Linux + macOS/
Linux + Android/
Linux + iOS/
Linux + macOS+ Android/
Linux + macOS+ iOS/
Linux + Android + iOS/
Linux + macOS + Android + iOS/
macOS + Android/
macOS + iOS/
macOS + Android + iOS/
Android + iOS


Watermark link Configures the webpage, opened onclick the watermark icon. string
Watermark icon Configures the image source for the waterlink icon. string (Base64/URL)
Copyright: ONLY for InBanner format

IF no video content URL added, and no passback applied, the grey default background will display w/ copyright text, link and icon.

Copyright text Configures the displayed copyright text.

Usually: Powered by

Copyright link Configures the webpage, opened onclick the copyright icon. string
Copyright icon Configures the image source for the copyright icon. string (Base64/URL)

Ad Waterfall

Waterfall type Configures the ad waterfall type:

  1. Parallel Waterfall
  2. Sequential Waterfall
  3. Performance-based Waterfall* – сontact your dedicated account manager to switch on the Performance-based Waterfall features.
Parallel Waterfall/
Sequential Waterfall/
Performance-based Waterfall*
CPM Step ONLY applied for Performance-based Waterfall.

Configures the CPM bid increment for the ad auction.

Default value: $0.01

Add the number manually or leave the field blank to apply the default value.

Example: if the minimum CPM is $5 and the CPM Step is assigned to: 2, the second winning bid in the auction will be no less than $7 CPM.

Consent Timeout ONLY applied for Performance-based Waterfall.

Configures the timeout (in milliseconds) for the receipt of information regarding user data consent prior to the player launch.

Rotation Configures how many times Demand Tags are re-requested. number,
> 0
Replay Configures the number of ads replayed (in addition to the 1st ad impression).

Note! For InStream format: if the Ad Break/s Replay is configured, the Replay settings for the ad break/s will override the Replay settings on the Ad Placement level. If the Ad Break/s Replay is NOT configured, the Ad Placement Replay settings will apply.

> 0
Tag Request Timeout Configures ad server response timeout (in milliseconds) for ad request. number
Best Tag Timeout ONLY for multiple Demand Tags assigned.

Configures ad server response timeout (in milliseconds) for the top-ranked ad tag, provided there’s at least one ad server response already returned via lower-ranked ad tags.

Creative Timeout Configures ad server response timeout (in milliseconds) for ad impression, upon the ad tag response. number

Prebid Settings

DFP Parameters:

Check the box to configure DPF parameters (see below), if Google Ad Manager (formerly: DFP) is used as an ad server.

For more info on the parameters setup, please refer to the Prebid documentation:

Google Ad Manager Ad Unit ID Required.

Configures the ad unit ID (iu) in Google Ad Manager (formerly: DFP) ad server setup.

Custom parameters Optional.

Configures the custom parameter/s (cust_params) in Google Ad Manager (formerly: DFP) ad server setup.

string / –
Parameters Optional.

Configures any extra parameter/s in the Google Ad Manager (formerly: DFP) ad server setup.

string / –

Brand Safety

Brand Safety Optional.

Configures Brand Safety settings for the ad placement.

Click “Add Brand Safety” and select the Brand Safety Tag from the drop-down list to configure.

Tip! If the list is empty – add a Brand Safety Tag in the “Brand Safety” section (see Brand Safety Configuration Reference).

Check traffic volume Configures the share of video ad impressions (in %), selected for the assigned Brand Safety (viewability tracking, fraud checks, etc.).

  1. Add manually, or
  2. Leave blank to apply the default Brand Safety Tag settings, – IF the latter were previously configured.

Note! Ad Placement Brand Safety settings override the default Brand Safety Tag settings, if configured.

Check until time Configures end time and date*, selected for the assigned Brand Safety (viewability tracking, fraud checks, etc.).

*The operating time is UTC (cannot be changed).

  1. Add manually, or
  2. Leave blank to apply the default Brand Safety Tag settings.

Note! Ad Placement Brand Safety settings override the default Brand Safety Tag settings, if configured.

yy-mm-dd hh:mm

Edit Ad Placement Settings

To edit ad placement settings:

1. Select a publisher from the list on the left.
2. Click the ad placement to browse its current settings in the main window area.
3. Click “Edit” in the “Settings” tab to edit ad placement settings.
4. Click “Update” to apply changes.

Go to “Assigned Demand” tab in the main window area to browse and manage assigned demand for the selected placement (see Assigned Demand Configuration Reference).

Go to “Codes” tab to access ad placement codes (see Ad Placement Codes).

Create an Ad Placement Copy

You can create similar ad placements for one publisher fast and easy, by creating an ad placement copy.

To create an ad placement copy:

1. Select a publisher from the list on the left.
2. Click the publisher’s ad placement.
3. Click “Copy” in the “Settings” tab.

Assign Demand to Ad Placement

To assign Demand to the created ad placement:

1. Go to “Assigned Demand” tab.
2. Click “Assign Demand.”
3. Configure Assigned Demand settings*.
4. Click “Create.”

NB! You can assign Demand to ad placements ONLY upon adding and configuring Demand Tag/s in the Demand section (see Demand Tag Configuration Reference).

*Tip! You can also monetize with AdPlayer.Pro premium demand – simply select the corresponding Demand Tag, while configuring Assigned Demand settings for your ad placement.

Assigned Demand Configuration Reference

Parameter Description Value
Name Assigned Demand name. string
Demand Configures which Demand Tag/s should be assigned.

Select one Demand Tag from the list,
then click “+” to assign multiple Demand Tags, if needed.

If the list is empty – add a Demand Tag in the Demand section (see Demand Tag Configuration Reference).

Weight ONLY applied when multiple Demand Tags are added to a single “Assigned Demand” Unit.

Determines how the total volume of ad impressions is shared between Demand Tags within an “Assigned Demand” Unit.

The higher Demand Tag weight implies the larger share of ad impressions served, from total.

The specific share of impressions for a Demand Tag is calculated as:
% of impressions = (Demand Tag’s weight / Total Demand Tags weight)*100

Leave the field blank or set weight to “1” for each of the Demand Tags to share ad impressions between them evenly.

Set weight for the Demand Tag to “2” or higher to assign a proportionally larger share of served ad impressions for this particular Demand Tag.

If the weights for 4 Demand Tags assigned to the Ad Placement are configured as:
Tag 1 >> weight: 1
Tag 2 >> weight: 2
Tag 3 >> weight: 1
Tag 4 >> weight 1,
the share of served ad impressions will be the following:
Tag 1: 20%
Tag 2: 40%
Tag 3: 20%
Tag 4: 20%

Pub ID Optional.

Specifies the publisher ID in Demand Tag using macros (see AdPlayer.Pro Macros).

Ad Break Schedule Optional.

Configures the scheduled ad break/s for Assigned Demand.

  1. Pre-Roll
  2. Mid-Roll
  3. Post-Roll

Performance logic specifics:

  1. If no ad break is scheduled for the Assigned Demand, the ad break schedule for the ad placement will be applied.
  2. If a Pre-Roll ad break is scheduled for the specific Assigned Demand, and no ad break/s is set up for the ad placement, the Assigned Demand ad break will be applied.
  3. If a Mid-Roll and/or a Post-Roll ad break is scheduled for the specific Assigned Demand, and no ad break is set for the ad placement, the Assigned Demand ad break will NOT be applied.
If true:
Pre-roll + Mid-Roll/
Pre-roll + Post-Roll/
Mid-Roll + Post-Roll/
Pre-Roll + Mid-Roll + Post-Roll
Include countries Optional.

Specifies countries for Assigned Demand display.

Add country codes, separated by comma with space, or leave blank.

Exclude countries Optional.

Specifies countries, excluded from Assigned Demand display.

Add country codes, separated by comma with space, or leave blank.

Overall impression limit Configures the total maximum number of ad impressions, enabled for the Assigned Demand. number
Impressions Capping Configures the maximum number of ad impressions for the Assigned Demand – to all users within 24 hours. number
Priority Configures Assigned Demand priority in ad waterfall (where 1 refers to the highest priority). number, ≥ 1
Platform Configures the platform for Assigned Demand display:

  1. web
  2. mobile
  3. all

Select one of the options from the drop-down menu.

OS Optional.

Сonfigures the operating system/s (OS) for the Assigned Demand display:

  1. Windows
  2. Linux
  3. macOS
  4. Android
  5. iOS

Select one or multiple options from the drop-down menu.

Windows + Linux/
Windows + macOS/
Windows + Android/
Windows + iOS/
Windows + Linux + macOS/
Windows + Linux + Android/
Windows + Linux + iOS/
Windows + macOS + Android/
Windows + macOS + iOS/
Windows + Android + iOS/
Windows + Linux + macOS + Android/
Windows + Linux + macOS + iOS/
Windows + Linux + Android + iOS/
Windows + macOS + Android + iOS/
Windows + Linux + macOS + Android + iOS/
Linux + macOS/
Linux + Android/
Linux + iOS/
Linux + macOS+ Android/
Linux + macOS+ iOS/
Linux + Android + iOS/
Linux + macOS + Android + iOS/
macOS + Android/
macOS + iOS/
macOS + Android + iOS/
Android + iOS
Use video file Configures linking to video content URL (see Ad Placement Configuration Reference). true/false
Disable rotation Configures disabling rotation for the Assigned Demand.

Check the box “Disable Rotation” to disable Assigned Demand rotation.

Default value: false (i.e. Assigned Demand rotation enabled).

Disable replay Configures disabling replay for the Assigned Demand. true/false

Manage Assigned Demand

To manage Assigned Demand for the ad placement:

1. Go to “Assigned Demand” tab.
2. Manage Assigned Demand, accordingly:

  1. browse the current status,
  2. access Demand Tag details, if available,
  3. reconfigure, delete or switch them on/off.

Ad Placement Codes

You may access the following codes for a selected ad placement in a separate “Codes” tab:

Code Description
Placement code Curtailed ad placement code with no parameters included.
VAST codes (Outstream & InStream) Used for video ad display in third-party video ad player solutions.
AMP code Used for video ad display on AMP properties.

Tip! Request a JS Code and/or InApp Placement Code from your dedicated account manager, if needed.